31 Jan 07
(The Night Before)
I hardly slept the night before my flight. I had supper with my Recluse boys and it was a fun time of hanging out and reminiscing the old times we had at many Grace Retreats.
Grace Retreat, something that I will miss this year.
I came home from supper and went online to download some sermons and chatted with Joey for a bit. I took a nap till 515am and got ready for my flight to Perth.
(Flight Day)
Left home at 615am, said a loud goodbye to my home and set off for the airport and was delighted that so many people came to see me off! Thank you friends, it was really good to have you there. Joey came even though he doesn't have that many days of leave left. Thanks bro.
And everyone who came must've woke up so early, dragging their feet and half asleep heads to see me off, so sweet!
Jon Liew bought me UM1s (a pair of in ear monitors)! Thanks Jon.
Joey sang me Audio Adrenaline's Goodbye and that made us all so emotional I think. I know it's not really goodbye, it's just goodbye for a while only.
The hugging really did it for me, when I hugged my parents, I wanted to cry. Then there were so many people to hug! All the hugging melted me... Then my mum chirped that it was the last call for us and I had no more time to be sad and had to worry about missing the plane!
So off we went and onto the plane.
The plane ride was pretty uneventful, the people were generally nice and the airline I flew wasn't as bad as I'd expected it to be.
I was very nervous throughout the plane ride, wondering whether we'd get there safely. Once I was in customs I was wondering if I was going to clear it or get deported home, even though I had done absolutely no wrong thing. We even declared our laptops and thank God we didn't have to get our bags ransacked!
Sister Cara from Grace Assembly Perth received us and drove us to our temporary lodging which is in the suburb of Highgate, just north of the city! O and Sister Cara is actually Sister Sok Hwa, some of you might remember her as Sherlene's mum? Yup!
I am now lying on my bed, the bigger bed in the room because Auntie Ivy (that's our temp. landlady) says I'm bigger sized. Muahahaha, there are actually perks for being fat!
Tomorrow Joel and I will be meeting the off campus accommodation person in charge in school, hopefully she will have time to meet us and discuss our housing requirements! Yup!
Father God, I want to thank you for seeing Joel and myself safely to Perth and for a nice landlady like Auntie Ivy and also for Auntie Cara. I want to thank you for Joel too.