Zzaarr - Whatever it means to you, it is.

This is me, my heart almost naked before you.

Location: Australia

Friday, January 12, 2007

I Do Not Click With Many Of You

I've met many people over the past 3 years, and I realised more and more that there are many different kinds of people, and only the similar types can understand each other.

It is like another language barrier, except this has nothing to do with language but the frequency. Frequency and wavelength in this context are made up of a number of factors. I think.

The kind of humour that one prefers sets the frequency of one's person. If you don't like lame jokes for example, you can't really socialise with someone who really loves lame jokes, unless you are at a business meeting, where it is strictly business.

The other factor that tunes one's frequency is one's interests. Now if lame joke person has common interests with I hate lame jokes person, they might still hit it off when they are interacting, but either of them will cringe once in a while because of either's inability to grasp each other's humour, or worse, the message that they are trying to put across.

Human frequency is affected by many different factors and up till now I think I kinda know which type I come into and I'm glad there are people like me around, although it's getting fewer as we change and grow up and have to do real work in offices for really important organisations, or getting on with life with family, settling down, flying overseas.

Maybe we will come to a stage where we settle for second best, when we arrive at a place in time and life that none of your type are around or close to you, then we just gotta make do with those God has placed in our lives and learn to love them.

After all, heaven will be a really diversified place right, so we better start now. I hope there cliques in heaven where the same type can hang together. But then again, I believe heaven will be one big clique where everyone has one common interest, the person of God!

How did I get here? I don't know leh, I just started typing and this is what I came up with. It's just a blog, *pause 2, 3, 4* not.

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Blogger van said...

ju taooo. we click?

January 12, 2007 at 2:34 PM  
Blogger Jeremiah Ng said...

i think so! what do you think sor vern?

January 13, 2007 at 4:08 AM  
Blogger Jeremiah Ng said...

It's too deep. H. Sorry it doesn't warrant a full "Ha". The "H" was the best I could do.

January 14, 2007 at 11:22 PM  
Blogger van said...

HAHAHAHAA!! your reply to caleb is so funny. lol.

sor vern thinks she clicks with ju tao! (:

January 15, 2007 at 10:29 PM  
Blogger Jeremiah Ng said...

Caleb: No, no money. Your joke also never give me any money.

Van: .D I agree.

January 16, 2007 at 9:41 AM  

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